Speedy Repo is a repossession company that specializes in boat and watercraft repossessions. We offer our services throughout the USA, Canada, and throughout the Caribbean. Speedy Repo has the equipment and experienced personnel capable of performing any boat repossession you may need. We are a full service repo company that is fast reliable and easy to work with. Please feel free to call us and discuss your boat repossession assignment. Time is of the essence for any repossessor. Here at Speedy Repo, we focus on recovering your boat as quickly as possible within the confines of the law. We own hydraulic trailers that are capable of safely transporting any boat. For larger vessels we are also experienced in obtaining wide load and over sized load permits. We won’t waste time trying to obtain equipment or get permits. We are ready to repo your boat today.
Speedy Repo is one of a few nationwide repossession companies licensed and insured to handle private party boat repossessions. We routinely handle boat repossessions between family members, divorce disputes, and terminated employees. A Private party boat repossession is any boat repossession that occurs without a promissory note, or a lease agreement, or any boat repossession falling outside of the typical debtor bank relationship. If other repossessors have told you that they won’t repossess your boat, please give Speedy Repo a call, we will repossess your boat for you!
All of our repossession assignments are performed on a contingent basis. We are so certain of our ability to locate and repossess your boat that we will not send you a bill unless speedy repo repossesses your boat for you. Our guarantee to you is: If we do not repossess your boat, Speedy Repo will not send you an invoice.
We are also equipped repossess commercial boats and commercial fishing boats. Size does not matter when it comes to our boat repossession service. We have licensed commercial captains capable of safely navigating and repossessing any boat or ship on the water today. Speedy Repo can find and repossesses the boats that other repossessors haven’t been able to find.
We also repossess Jet Skis, Ski Doos and all types of personal watercraft. We have trailers to load watercraft on and transport them. We regularly repossess personal watercraft across the USA. Speedy Repo has the equipment and personnel necessary to repossess any boat, anywhere in the world. Please call speedy repo today to get us started on your boat repossession case right away. |